Why you should join The Property Brokers Group!

We are #1! After just over 2 months, we became the #1 Team in the office, by agent count!

There is a reason that in just over 2 months, we grew to be the largest team in the market center! We provide our team with the collaboration and support that our team members want, while the team members get to keep the lion share of their hard earned money.

At 7 months we were nearly DOUBLE the size of the second largest team in the office!  

Team Value Proposition

From day one, our team vision was to design a team built around helping our team members succeed, not to have the team’s success be built on the backs of its team members. 

Instead of trying to figure out how much each team member would tolerate having us charge from their commissions, we tried to figure out how little we could charge each team member, and still stay in business.

There is a reason that most teams do not do this!  Most teams are built around having a few team members, and charging anywhere from 50-75% split to the team.  (I have seen it go as high as 90% to the team on listings.)  This allows the team to make a lot of money, with very high margins per team member.  Our team is built on having a lot of high quality agents working together, and receiving many of the same team benefits, with as little as 5% split to our team.  

Our team structure was built on a quote from Zig Ziglar, “You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”    

Our vision is to provide the best possible experience and value for any broker within the Keller Williams Company at any production level. We are excited to be able to offer you additional training, services, and opportunities, while potentially lowering the amount of money that you pay out of your pocket from your hard-earned commissions. 


The Property Brokers Group believes in a Servant Leadership Model. We exist to serve our team members! We strive to be your preferred vendor in your Real Estate Business. The Property Brokers Group is a client of Keller Williams and every team member is our client. We are here to make your business better!

Stop the revolving door!

Most teams have a revolving door of new agents and team members.  One of two things happen with team members on most teams.  The team member doesn’t produce enough for the team to deem them profitable, and the team fires the team member.  Or, the team member is successful, and produces at a level that satisfies the team, and the team member sees how much of their commission they are giving to the team, and they quit the team to go at it alone. 

Our team was designed to provide value to both high and lower producers, and the team doesn’t depend on each team member having a certain production level, in order to stay on the team!  We also designed the cost to be so minimal for team members at all production levels, that they would not want to leave for financial reasons, as it costs less to be on the team, than to be on their own.   

What it Costs!

When we designed the compensation structure for the team, we started by trying to figure out how to reduce the total cost to every team member, at every production level and stage in their career.

Not only are we trying to make your business easier for you and more productive, we are trying to reduce the actual cost to you of being in business.

By switching from a solo agent to a team member agent, your cap is reduced by 2/3. This means instead of paying $18,000 to the market center, as a team member, your annual cap to the market center is reduced to $6,000. 

This is where the team value proposition comes in.

Your split with the team is only 15% of your commissions up until you have paid the team $10,500.

This is a $1,500 savings over being a Solo Agent!

After you have paid the team the above capped amount, your team splits are reduced to an amount that is closer to straight pass through costs.


All Buyer Side transactions are reduced to just a 5% split to the team. You get to keep 95% of the GCI! (The nominal split amount goes to cover the ongoing costs of transaction coordination, and other administrative, and office costs.)
Listings splits are reduced to only 10% after you have paid the above capped amount. (The higher percentage for listings versus buyer side is so the team can continue to provide you with the professional photography, and other cost items associated with listings, along with the transaction coordination and other administrative, and office costs.) You retain 90% of the GCI on all your listings transactions, and the team picks up all the below costs associated with listings.

Your Database is Yours!

THE TEAM TAKES NO OWNERSHIP IN ANY OF YOUR DATABASE RELATIONSHIPS! Whether they were in your database originally, or if you acquired them while being a member of The Property Brokers Group, they are your clients! We will not ask you to hand over your database upon joining. WE WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR DATABASE, EVER! IT IS YOURS!

If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, contact us for more info and to set up an interview.

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(512) 555-1234
